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Our Solution

Expedition Startup makes use of graph database modeling to capture and visualize a startup’s status-quo embedded in its ecosystem. We are able to viszalize weak spots through peer-group comparison and understand context specific interdependencies and relational factors on multiple levels.

  • We identify success factors and weak points as a guidance for coaching lessons.
  • For the purpose of a peer group comparison, we build startup clusters via context-mining to understand success factors in a relative perspective.

“Hortiya was able to improve their targeting strategy towards potential investors by means of Expedition Startup. Working together with Wolfgang and Nele has led to a long term and sustainable partnership which has resulted in the embeddedness of Hortiya in a startup ecosystem.”



To get a first impression on what we do with graph database modeling, enjoy playing with our demo below:

Sorry, die Visualisierung ist nur auf dem Desktop und Tablet verfügbar.

Take part in our self-assessment survey to analyze your status-quo.

Use Cases

For Accelerator & Incubator Programs:
Manage your startup portfolio.
For Startup Founders:
As a startup founder you may assess your status-quo with our evaluation tool to anonymously identify weak spots in comparison to your peer group.
For Coaches & Mentors:
Guide your coaching lessons with our tool.


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rams

Nele Terveen

Get in touch

    Expedition Startup
    c/o Consmart GmbH

    Rather Str. 110d
    40476 Düsseldorf

    T +49 (0) 211 220 656 70
    F +49 (0) 211 220 656 79
