Problem – Startups and ecosystems face complexities on multiple levels that need coaching measures:
Sustainable startups are key actors towards future innovations and sustainable market transformation. To understand dependencies and interrelations of such factors, coaches and accelerator programs as well as founders are in need of a scientific assessment and evaluation tool.
Application – Startup and context analysis by means of graph database modeling:
Expedition Startup offers a coaching tool that visualizes your startup embedded in its ecosystem by asking you to fill-in a short survey. We analyze weaknesses and strengths of such startups embedded in their ecosystem contexts.
Solution – Expedition Startup develops a holistic evaluation tool for startups, accelerator programs and coaches to manage ecosystems:
Every startup is uniquely structured and dependent on external as well as internal factors that are embedded in a dynamic context. Our AI-driven coaching tool visualizes and understands startups’ relational dependencies and is able to identify weak spots and strengths, as a basis for a successful coaching.
Our Solution
Expedition Startup makes use of graph database modeling to capture and visualize a startup’s status-quo embedded in its ecosystem. We are able to viszalize weak spots through peer-group comparison and understand context specific interdependencies and relational factors on multiple levels.
We identify success factors and weak points as a guidance for coaching lessons.
For the purpose of a peer group comparison, we build startup clusters via context-mining to understand success factors in a relative perspective.
“Hortiya was able to improve their targeting strategy towards potential investors by means of Expedition Startup. Working together with Wolfgang and Nele has led to a long term and sustainable partnership which has resulted in the embeddedness of Hortiya in a startup ecosystem.”
To get a first impression on what we do with graph database modeling, enjoy playing with our demo below:
Sorry, die Visualisierung ist nur auf dem Desktop und Tablet verfügbar.
Take part in our self-assessment survey to analyze your status-quo.
Being in collaboration with Expedition Startup, your institution is able to evaluate the startups that you support in your program. You
will not only be able to store and visualize the knowledge you have about your startups but you may also learn how to guide coaching lessons and help your coaches and mentors to identify weaknesses and strengths to leverage your startups’ success in the long run.
You gain insights about your own company you would have not thought to question
before. Your results can be evaluated by an externalcoach to leverage strenghts in comparison to your peer group. Our analysis may also serve as a showcase for third parties. As a member of Expedition Startup you will be able to store your data on our platform and develop your analysis further in the long run.
As a coach/mentor you can leverage your work towards a standardized diagnosis measurement tool. You may capture and share the knowledge acquired from your lessons.